I am currently searching for William E. Dewalt who graduated from Pittsburgh's South High School in 1936. Here is the information posted next to his senior portrait in the 1936 edition of the "Oriole" Yearbook:
Nick Name: Bill
Clubs/Activities: Auto Drivers, Chess, Stamp and Radio
Description: Bill is the jolly sort whose witty remarks always gain a flock of admirers wherever he is.
I have been researching Dewalt families in the Pittsburgh area and believe that William was born on July 30, 1917 and may have at one time resided in Canonsburg, Washington, PA. If you are, know of or are realted to William please contact me as I would like to return his senior high school calling card to it's rightful owner.
I am William E. Dewalts son,Duane. My Father passed away in 1987. I am now 63years old. retired. My father was very dear to me I miss him very much I was surprised to see this post. Please contact me thank you.
Duane Dewalt
Hi Duane! Please provide your contact information so I can get in touch with you. Send it to me via the following email address: jenniemoo@gmail.com. I look forward to hearing back from you!
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