My Quest

If you are interested in learning more about my personal mission to reunite each signature card with it's original owner click here. I hope you'll browse through the names listed here and will enjoy doing so! I respectfully request that you contact me if you happen to recognize, know or are related to anybody on the list that appears at the bottom of this page. Thank you very much!

Wednesday, October 10

Milan Milkovich

I have a signature card for Milan Milkovich and am currently searching for him or a member of his family so that I may return it. He was quite a handsome young fellow, as you can see from his picture, that was taken from the 1936 South High School Yearbook. According to a description in the yearbook, Milan is tall and handsome! Believe it or not I seem to have located two seperate Milan Milkovich families residing in the Pittsburgh area. One is in Brentwood and the other is located in Baldwin.


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