Nick Name: "Euge"
Clubs/Activities: Little Symphony, Philo, Botzoo, radio, Thespians, Psychology
Description: Eugene's musical talent and his flare for science are close competitors for his time. What a fine choice for an avocation and a vocation.
If you are, know of or are related to Eugene, please contact me so I can return his high school calling card.

Eugene is my Dad. He went on to become an MD and played his violin for many years as an avocation. When he began his new career as and MD, he changed his name to Eugene Emerson to enable patients to look his name up in the phonebook! He is currently living in Watsonville, California.
Oh, also, if you want to send the card, his address is 925 Freedom Rd, Watsonville, Calif 95076. I am at emersan@aol.com
His full address is:
925 Freedom Blvd. #305B
Watsonville, CA 95076-3804
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