My Quest

If you are interested in learning more about my personal mission to reunite each signature card with it's original owner click here. I hope you'll browse through the names listed here and will enjoy doing so! I respectfully request that you contact me if you happen to recognize, know or are related to anybody on the list that appears at the bottom of this page. Thank you very much!

Wednesday, January 2

Rose Lestitian

Rose Lestitian gave her high school signature card to my grandmother many years ago, probably in 1935 or 1936. Now, I am hoping to locate Rose or one of her close relatives as I would like to return the signature card, displayed on the left, to her. Rose graduated from Pittsburgh's South High school on East Carson Street in 1936, as I have located her picture in the 1936 edition of the "Oriole" yearbook. Back then, only pictures of graduating students were published in the yearbook. I know that Rose must have resided in Allegheny County, probably in the 6th Ward, which would have been the South High school district. I have researched Rose's name and think that she may have a sister named Katherine, but am not certain. If you know Rose or are related to her, please contact me!

1 comment:

Michelle Anton said...

My name is Michelle Lestitian-Anton. My Grandfather was Edward Lestitian, Rose's brother. My grandmother was Katherine.
I met Rose only a few times when I was young but she was very sweet. There is not many Lestitan's left but most of us still live in Pittsburgh. Her picture looks just like my Dad and his brothers and sister. Thank you for sharing!!